im so bad. I wish I had time to update every day, but with work and everything(esp. around the holiday) I can't find the time. Shawna and I have taken things to the next level and its amazing. I hate to sound like a broken record, but I am SOOOOOO in love with her. She is quite simply, everything I want in a woman. She continues to surprise and delight me. Tonight im off to a party with my parents' hippy friends, and then im headed out to get drunk cause my roomate turns 21 at midnight. woo!!
More Blogs
Tuesday May 17, 2005
ideally this should be a place where I talk about stuff I dont want t… -
Monday May 02, 2005
well, Im back...Im just looking around, and I dont know if anyone I k… -
Friday May 14, 2004
well, I am too going grey. I came into this community on a whim, and… -
Sunday May 09, 2004
a long weekend of apartment hunting with my girl. all is good. burr… -
Thursday May 06, 2004
well Im calling off saturday to go look at apartments with the girl. … -
Wednesday May 05, 2004
grrr I need money so bad. -
Tuesday May 04, 2004
ugh. back on nights. Im all out of sorts. -
Wednesday Apr 28, 2004
so I'm totally addicted to this: Kingdom of Loathing Im a level 5… -
Tuesday Apr 27, 2004
back to the grind. look like im gonna be on nights for a couple week… -
Monday Apr 26, 2004
So my cousing doug is in Baghdad. He signed up for the army after hig…
Bloodbowl does indeed rule! It was great playing it yesterday, even though I lost 1-0, its was great fun.
40k, cool. Bloodbowl is the only gameworkshop game I play at the moment. I used to like 40k though, but absolutely loved playing Necromunda!! You ever play that? ITs was the best ever!
I hadnt heard about them revamping necromuna, it should be given another chance though, it was a great game. When I used to play it we made up extra rules so that we had vehicles and stuff, its was such a cool gang warfare game. If I could convince people to play, Id definately play it again. My favourate thing was that, like blood bowl, you could carry on using your people, and they would develope.