Getting a lot of rest after the end of the semester. I'm currently in NYC, and leave for Australia tomorrow. I have plans for a shoot with a friend in Sarasota when I get back in early January-- so excited to share the photos with you guys, we have some cool ideas!
Hope you all are doing wonderfully. I'm still getting used to the new site...I know, I know, it's been ages. But I'm hoping to get back into the groups a whole lot when I get back.
As always, lots of love!
@selene Perth! I've got family there. Where were you? I'd love to see more of the country someday, but for this trip it's just the one city. :)
I was on the East Coast outside of Melbourne. I don't really know much about the West Coast. :( If you decide to travel around though, I could tell you about some fun places; Cairns, for example, was awesome. 😄