I like going to work. Not because It's necessily fun, but more because it gets me out of my mother's house. I know i shouldn't complain, i don't have to pay rent, and there is food that i don't have to buy. I just hate not being able to leave except for work and doctor's appointments ( i have a lot of those). Sure, i could walk, but It's been raining almost constantly for the last week and a half, and the closest place i would like to go would take me two hours to get to. I don't mind walking in the rain for twenty minutes, even half an hour. But i don't want to catch pnemonia...so i stay at home. It's okay for ari, there's a big back yard with lots of mud to play in. In case you're wondering who ari is, I'll attach a picture. I get cabin fever, though. And ct work there's cookies. So i like it.

Yeah, it's good to get out. I sometimes feel that way about work, but just the first day of going back. haha