reasons to dump people
- i hate everything he does except when he's having sex with me
- violent temperment
- too much yelling at me
- doesn't get along with my dog
- alcoholic
- violent tendancies
- makes me sad face
- in love with ex girlfriend from twelve billion years ago
- doesn't call for days on end when i know he could very easily do so
- smelly
- not as attractive as me
- sexual wanderlust
- being scary
- taking away my sweet mary jane
And the sex was great, right up to the end, even when we wouldn't speak to each other otherwise.
But when your life veers from soap opera to opera (everything magnified, the sound too loud, the drama too overwrought), it just isn't worth it anymore.
Still, hang around for the sex until he becomes absolutely unbearable....
Nice to meet you. Beautiful, sensual pic.