yeah that's it with the new sleep pattern thing. besides it's not helping me feel rested. it's that i'm starting to have dreams bleed into the wake time. i'm remembering. thing is it's always that they are pretty dullish. somwhat nice things. like just now i saw 3 friends from ..or classmates rather..from middleshool we talked for half a second they went off and got ran over by a semi truck.. and i'm talkiing to them waiting for the paramedics.
by the now time they all fade and i get on with my day bu t i d remberbeign jarredd awake for teh past week or so. they've all been hat sudden twist of somehting bad.
the dust from work keeps a haze on my contacts and it's all got a dreamlike quality nowadays. joy joy
by the now time they all fade and i get on with my day bu t i d remberbeign jarredd awake for teh past week or so. they've all been hat sudden twist of somehting bad.
the dust from work keeps a haze on my contacts and it's all got a dreamlike quality nowadays. joy joy
domo domo 

sabado is a no-go. i'll be north watching star wars and visiting friends. hm. is there another day that works better? sunday is also out. everything after that is a-ok.