alright so i'm being "good" and posting again. i got about $40 from turning in some cans so it's almost like having some free money to spend but i don't want to waste it so i think i'll hang onto it for now.

i have a friends b-day thing this sat but i might already have plans so i don't know if i am going...
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wow two posts in 1 week! sweet! now to just keep it up. hehe

well nothing new to report really, just kinda bored so decided to post again.

oohh!! i got my results back from 2 tests i took for state and county jobs and was ranked #2 on both which is awesome 'cause it means that i will be one of the first ones...
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2 posts in a week!
Sounds like things are looking up.
ok well once again it has been a year and a day it seems like since i updated here but i am now! ^_^

so still looking for a job. their are a few i applied to recently that i am hoping to hear something back from but we shall see, we shall see. i am also looking to go back to school. something along...
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k so haven't posted for awhile n i just realized that. whoops n all but i'm doing it now! lol anyway
been busy with the whole trying to get a job thing, still working on it but hopefully i can get one soon. i'm thinking about sacrificing some neighborhood animals in my attempt to make someone happy to help me get a job but i'm...
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Yep, there are rich kids at the C.I.A
ok. so i have profiles on here and myspace and i was looking at some things over on that profile b/c a friend mentioned something to me. and when i look i see that a guy i had met on a trip to san fransisco took me off. i really don't care but was curious as to why. and then 'drew, the one who told...
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hmmm, sounds dramatic.
alright. so the sanity is slowly slipping away i think. but i am currently drinking some wine and have plans to probably finish the bottle before the evening is done so we shall see if that makes things any better.

dunno if i mentioned before but i have an exam for an office tech spot in a few weeks so i am happy about that...
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ha, I watched that 2x over the last 3 or so days. Love that movie.... blush
all right so here is a shocker, i messed my poor compie so i won't be on as much which sucks but oh well.
4th kinda sucked but i've had worse. i just didn't really do anything 'cause i felt hella bad and still kinda do. it is this wonderful thing where your stomach hurts and no matter what you eat, the amount or the...
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so it is kinda sucky but i decided not to go to pride this year or any other trips like to reno and such places. it is very tempting but, i can't loose sight of what i need to do and also i know i won't enjoy most of the trips since i will be worried about money and all of that.

on a happier...
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you should teach me Japanese. I need to know it before I go over there...to rob banks
alright, so who wants to give the poor $$$? anyone? anyone? oh well. it was worth a shot. hehe

but i was surprised the other day when a friend sent me a text asking if i wanted to go down to long beach 'cause she doesn't want to drive alone. i realize i have a lot of free time right now, but i have no...
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lol i wish. if it paid then i would consider it. but i don't think they do unfortunately.......... damn communists. lol is that even relevant? i have no idea *wanders off to find something shiny to look at* surreal biggrin
haha We got to get you to comment back to people in their blog tongue That way folks will see the comment more readily wink
ok so i just thought this is funny. my mom just noticed that my bottom 2 piercings are both 2 gauges even though my hair has been pulled back for days and they have been this gauge for awhile. lol. she says i can't gauge them anymore and that if i do i won't like the consequences. hehehe almost makes me want to do it...
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