so went and saw "The Hurt Locker" today and it was awesome! I loved it! Just as good as everyone said if not better. I went with my mom and we got something to eat before and the place was great! awesome food and I can't wait to go back and try some of their great looking deserts.

also only 6wks of class left before...
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so way too long between posts again but what ever.

so i'm having a hard time letting this damn thing go so hopefully putting it up here will help get it off my mind. we have some next door neighbors with kids. fine, i don't care that much. that is until they are in their pool at night making all kinds of noise and it's...
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this too shall pass. wink
so we've been doing lots of venipunctures (blood draws) which is ok but since i have "big, fat juicy" veins, they like to have me be one of the poke-ee's for ppl who haven't done one yet but i think everyone has done at lest 1 or 2 so far.

i have been poked and stabbed so much lately i don't know what to think...
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I am soo annoyed with my pharmacology final score... guh! and the sad part is i did the best out of the 4 of us that took it. i'm going to take it again monday and this time not make retarded mistakes by screwing up dosages by not putting the friggin' decimal in the right spot *slams head into desk top repeatedly * whatever mad
i have been "poked" more in the last 2 weeks than in the last year and have lost quite a bit of blood. lets see if i get a good hematoma on my right arm from earlier tonight.....
so had a good time in s.f. today with my parents. sent 'drew some pics as we went and i am going to post some of the one's i took a little later or hopefully tomorrow while i get some homework done.

am stoked about finally starting lab on mon and i gotta deal with my shots and all but overall not a bad week...
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Glad you had a good time. SF is beautiful, but I havent been back since I was 10. Good luck on the labs and have a glorious week. wink
ok so 'dew officially left me as of this last Sunday, meanie. He graduated Thurs and came home that day and then worked on getting all his stuff together. I went over Saturday and hung out with him from about 1 to 10:30 and then went back to bug him some more Sunday while I helped him load his car up w/ everything we had...
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thats Irony..lol tongue
ok so I'm in a better mood today. she just really annoyed me the other night.

now off to go play and have fun! ^_^ biggrin tongue kiss
good to hear. Thanks for the add and great meeting you. smile
so I was having a pretty decent day 'till about 5 minutes ago. I mentioned to my mother I wanted to go to Baskin Robbins and maybe get a little ice cream from there and she starts going off on this whole dramatic thing about how it won't fix anything, it's not worth it, nothing is going to change and shit like that. god! I...
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So I should be sleeping right now, but am instead listening to some nice easy music and checking my accounts. I think I may start on some more homework too if I can't get tired soon. But my music is awesome! I love the song "Weightless" by Black Lab and "Time Bomb" by Jessy Greene and "Weapon" by Matthew Good Band and "Somebody Help Me"...
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