Ok, I still hate admin. that hasn't changed. the other day we got to learn how to write checks and balance check books. The sad part, some people in the class had never written a check or balanced a check book. Don't I feel smart now......

Anyways, going to see 'drew this weekend which is going to be fun and a good break from routine...
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Ok so admin officially sucks monkey nuts. I really hate billing and coding and am soo happy that isn't my usual job and I just need to know the basics. I would soo much rather be stabbing people (giving shots), or drawing blood or something like that. Oh well, not too much longer and them it's on to lab and then to finish in clinical....
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ok so I want to be sleeping right now but I can't so i figure I'll post instead.

Had a good time skiing today at Heavenly. They definitely have some good runs and I wouldn't mind going back but I am and always will be somewhat biased towards Homewood even though it's smaller and with fewer runs. I love the fact that it is more...
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Had an awesome time in S.F. on Sat. Somehow managed to pull like two or three muscles in my right leg so I had an awesome limp going on and it was fun going up and down steps and getting into Louie's car, but it was soo worth it all! We got some awesome pictures and I got to show him around a bit and...
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so i had a good time at lon's the other day. it was nice to catch up with her a bit, see Kaitlyn and Scott too. Sarah came over for a bit so that was great. we hadn't seen her in a long ass time so it was nice to talk and all. besides, we all have similar interests that most of my other friends...
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so christmas was nice. we pretty much didn't do anything which is nice 'cause we were either tired or out of it so easy is good. me and my mom did do some shopping today though which was an interesting experience and i even kept scathing remarks of other people to a minimum! my worst comment was about them making coffins in the basement! ^_^...
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Hope yah had a good day yesterday. My face is sick....wish it happy thoughts
K so finally posted some new pics! woot woot. i think some are from school but i can't remember right now. hehehe

officially off from school for 2 weeks! yup yup! soooo happy! ^_^ get to relax a bit, it will be nice.

hope everyone is having a great holiday time or at least nice! smile
k so my b-day was nice and low-key. present to myself? no school work all day and just chilled. my bro was absolutely awesome and got me a program for my comp which was totally unexpected since i wasn't expecting to get anything for my b-day for various reasons. so happy about it. also my present from my parents was a very unexpected 1st season...
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Did you get japanese software? I want to get some language software, but the Rosetta Stone is crazy expensive. I'd love some recommendations. Glad you had such a good birthday! It always means a lot when you're not a kid, but people still do special birthday things for you!
Thanks so much for the info. I think it might be better for me to learn that way rather than with Rosetta. I guess the absolute best way though is just to immerse yourself in the culture for a long period of time. Hhaa.
well this week was interesting and sucked at the same time. a guy in our class that i'm friends with got his wallet stolen sometime during class. no one is fessing up that i know of but it is total b.s. i feel so bad for him. frown
unfortunately though it's one of those things that even if he got it back now the damage is...
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So what are you waiting for? Sign up!!! http://www.likewine.com

k so chillin' here at my grandma's and wishing for a drnk that i am going to get soon if i have to kill someone to get it.... *growls* ARRR!!!

but anyways. been working on some pharmacology off and on while talking and setting up a facebook account for my grandma and fixing some stuff for my mom on hers. woot woot. surreal

it is nice though...
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ok so i've been pretty busy lately between the school work and trying to help get things together for thurs. tomorrow i get to chill out 'till my mom's meds show up, then i get to run over to paneros and grab some stuff for thurs morn and then i get to come back home and do so baking for thurs. too. i shall be...
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ok well haven't posted again for a bit but i've been so busy with school and everything else. so we get some new students tomorrow and that will be interesting. i'm also getting ahead on all my homework for the whole month so i won't be stressing out as much over all of it. i figured that out last month! ^_^

we're going to see...
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