Hi, my lovelies ♥️
The blog homework topic this week is - ‘Share your favourite poem or lyric and what it means to you’
I actually have 3 Paramore lyric tattoos and they all mean a great deal to me (hence putting them on my body 🤓)
‘Everybody sing, like it’s the last song you will ever sing’
Basically, live everyday as if it’s your last. Seize the day. Make the most of every minute of your life and don’t take it for granted. Live life to the fullest, see the world, take chances, take risks and don’t be afraid. I feel that these are good words to live by ♥️
‘Live your life inside a dream’
Don’t be afraid to live your dream life. Live your best life & do what makes YOU happy everyday. Fairytales do exist and you are living in your own fairytale ♥️
‘Chances taken, hope embraced’
Don’t be afraid to take chances. You never get anywhere in life if you don’t take risks or chances.
Thanks for reading my lovelies ♥️ I have a brand new set in member review shot by @shaine in the bathtub which dropped yesterday and is at over 1700 hearts in less than 24hrs! ♥️
I would absolutely love for you to check it out and give it some love and let me know what you think.
I’m crossing absolutely everything that we can get this one to front page after 4 years of being a hopeful ♥️
Much love as always,
Pixie ♥️
@sean @missy @rambo