Hey guys,
I'm sat in the cutest coffee shop in Omotesando near Harajuku in Tokyo and feeling inspired, so thought i'd write a little blog for all you lovelies. <3
@missy and @rambo have asked us, 'if you could be tattooed by anyone, who would it be and why'. I have a lot of tattoos and they are a big part of who I am and how I express myself and my individuality. I am very passionate about tattoo art and I would love to share some of my favourite artists with you guys.
I am a big fan of bright colourful tattoos, and usually of the cute girly kind, so naturally I love being tattooed by women! I am going to tell you about a few artists I have already been tattooed by and a few I would love to be tattooed by.
Number 1, Lauren is a mega babe. She's totally badass and super hot ;) I have 2 half sleeves by her in which I keep travelling to Sydney to get added to, she is not only an awesome tattooist but she has become one of my friends and I love going to see her to have a good catch up :) Her style is very detailed and cutesy and colourful which suits my style perfectly.
Go check her out - her instagram is @laurenwinzer
Here are some pictures of the work she has done on me:
Mimsy i'm fairly sure is pretty famous in the female tattoo world, her style is extremely distinctive and she owns her own tattoo studio in Brisbane which is run out the back of an airport hanger and features a pink retro caravan which she tattoos out of at festivals - see totally badass! I have just one piece by her but I would loveeeee to get more. She is rad at big back pieces so I would love to maybe one day get a large back piece by her, I just need to move to Brisbane! haha!
Check her instagram out at @mimswah
My piece by Mimsy -
and her tattooing me -
I got tattooed by Nae when she worked at a studio in Perth. She is sweetest girl and her designs are so rad! She is also probably the lightest handed tattooist I have ever experienced, I nearly fell asleep! Haha! She specialises in cute but creepy style tattoos, although mine was just all cute haha! I would love to get something cool and creepy tattooed by her one day though!
Instagram - @naepiernebulatattoo
My tattoo by her -
Now surely alot of you have heard of Alex, she's pretty badass in the female tattoo world, and I was lucky enough to be tattooed by her whilst on my visit to LA last year. She's a very busy lady but managed to squeeze me in after a lot of pestering her! haha! Again, she is known for all things cute and colourful, and she tattoos a lot of cartoon characters like disney, studio ghibli, pusheen, simpsons etc. She also sells rad pins and stickers and things through her online shop :)
Here is my tattoo by her -
So now I am going to talk about artists I would love to be tattooed by! Firstly - Shannan Meow! This girls work is top of the rad chain! She's very creative with her designs and obviously uses all pastel colours to keep it girly! (Just how I like it) She's also vegan so loves tattooing animals, and vegan related designs! She also has a rad etsy shop in which she tells prints and her designs on things like phone cases, pillows, throws etc...
Instagram - @shannan_meow
Here is some examples of her work:
I've been following Katie for a while now but still not managed to make it to Canada! But I am moving to Whistler at the end of the year so hopefully i've not got much longer to wait! Her style is quite different to what I have already shown, but still super colourful which is what I like! It's extremely detailed and I just love her work! She is well known for tattooing alot of animals and I would love to get a piece of my cat by her! The pictures will have to explain for themselves!
Instagram - @kshocs
I could go on and on with more artists but i'll be in this coffee shop writing all day! Haha! So here are my favs, hope you enjoyed reading and go check them all out and maybe you will yourself go get tattooed by them one day!
Much Love
Pixie xo