📏Height: 5.3
⏳Age: 27
👀 Eye color: Hazel
♒️ Sign: Leo
💁 Hair color: It's always changing, atm its a silvery purple.
🎲 Favorite thing: Snowboarding
🎨 Favorite color:Lavender
🍝 Food: Vegemite and cheese on toast
⏰ Favorite time of day: Bedtime haha
🌙 Day or night?: Night
📅 Favorite holiday: Halloween
☺ Favourite Emoji: Unicorn! (I'm on my laptop so can't use the actual emoji :()
🎮 Favorite game: Skate
⏩ Hobby: Snowboarding
🌍 Country: UK, but i'm currently living in Japan
👅Language: English
👤 Socialize or being alone? Socialise always!
🎸Favorite bands: Paramore, ADTR, Fall out Boy. Pvris, New Found Glory, Bring Me to the Horizon
🎤 Favorite singer: Hayley Williams
🎼 Song: Currently is Follow you by BMTH
💃🏻 Stay at home or hang out: Hang out
📺 Favorite series: The Walking Dead
🙊 Favorite subject: Music
🙏 Religion: hmmmm.