well i finally hit 20 in WoW! it was only after reaching this goal that i truely realized how much of a loser i am.
in anycase tonights the big(?) show. im still really thinking hard of just skipping it and going to that lan party.. but he is a friend... at least today he is i might hate him tomarrow
. i think i have the set finalized im still working on the finishing touches, mostly finishing one whole song, trying to mix them as best i can in fruity loops studio 5. (why FL? its a fast an easy program and i dont have the time to deal with pro tools and cubase sx) once i mix as beast i can there i will export it all to wav files and load it up in cubase sx to further mix the tracks and put them all together in one gigantic song so there will be down times between them. i hope i have enough time though. if not ill have to play each song one by one and a few of them take a good while to load. i really hope this goes well though.. im more of a studio person then a live one, so i get pretty ticked off when i have to take apart my studio for a show that only a few people show up too. or that show up only to heckle because im eletronic and not death metal/pumk. funny thing is some of my songs are harder then these punk kids wish they could be. ah well what can ya do
other then beat them into submission with my beatz o furry!!!
the set list is as follows for all who care:
She makes mistakes
Her Eyes
The Dream
maybe i should actually get some mp3's up again huh?

the set list is as follows for all who care:
She makes mistakes
Her Eyes
The Dream
maybe i should actually get some mp3's up again huh?
*feels the love*
Careful, its squidgy!