sorry i have been such a stranger... been quite busy as of late. well whats new whats new.... my birthday has come and gone and only the band i worked for remembered! that was sweet of them though. they took me out to see a movie
. in other news i have a lot of work to do for various clients for music. doing a couple adverts for radio shows, some tracks for a seaboundish band, and some comedy skits. not to mention that im now in the studio TRYING to complete my next cd due out the first week of next month!... progress? i have not even laid one track down! the beauty of living in a studio, i can waste all the time i want and the only money i am wasting is electricity
ah well i hope to be finished i have so much to do! anyway i better get to work now ill have some samples up for download at some point.
oh yeah SG members that actually like what i do get a free copy just have to ask
anyway until next time... which will hopefully be sooner then last time, i bid you are farewell


uh... i'd like a copy please! ever purposefully set out to write a song nine plus minutes long? that's one i'm working on right now. i just finished my first hip-hop track that i got commissioned to do. a friend of mine is in the big brother big sister program and his "little brother" is really good at bustin' out his own rhymes so they asked me to write some music and then record him when he gets the lyrics finished. i cheated though, i used Live and a bunch of samples i get from those brittish computer music mags. what sucked was that i couldn't find bass parts that i liked so i wound up playing some stuff myself with the fruity 303 and i am not a good keyboard player so i did a lot of chopping and slicing audio bits. i learned a lot though. do you use a lot of samples? loops, hits, whatever?