well i finally started work on the new girl kills boy album. well the albums title is still Alive+Alone, i think its actually a cursed title. its been in the writting process for over a year now. (it was supposed to be the name of my debut album) in anycase i have the music for oen song pretty much set, and the idea for the second in the works. i have not been so energized in a long time to just write. its a good feeling to have again.
-in other news my other project, teklab, will now be starting to provide music for videogames. so if anyone here in SG has some connections please hook me up!!! so far work is going slow. but i have some ideas fighting in my head for dominence. who will win? who knows!! stay tuned! anyway im going back to listening to PJ harvy's new album. it rocks if you like PJ Harvy BUY THIS ALBUM!!! anyway later guys!
-in other news my other project, teklab, will now be starting to provide music for videogames. so if anyone here in SG has some connections please hook me up!!! so far work is going slow. but i have some ideas fighting in my head for dominence. who will win? who knows!! stay tuned! anyway im going back to listening to PJ harvy's new album. it rocks if you like PJ Harvy BUY THIS ALBUM!!! anyway later guys!

i'll work on making some connections so i can help you out...