well ive been back for a while now, and its all been going down hill for my life at home. i had to put my grandmother in the hospital... which reminds me i better call as soon as i finish this to check up on her. im sure she needs some items from home. the music thing is going pretty good too. i picked up a new alienware computer that i will base most of my production off of. im headed to my producers house later to get some much needed software and then headed to the music store to pick up some moniters. boy, ill be hooked up! my next show will be with this band from Airizona called XOXOXO *www.xoxoxomusic.com* and im REALLY looking foward to that! i love thouse guys, and girl.
in other news my main studio computer crashed and i lost EVERYTHING. all my new songs for clients.... all my clints songs.... albums demos EVERYTHING. so im starting all over again from scratch. maybe im just taking this to well.. everyone else around me is freakign out. i guess im just detached from reality... lol. anyway ill add some more pics of my self for the people who really wanna go blind to do so with. but i love me... yeah i do! *huggles self* or something... i dont really know why i typed that... anyway take care kiddies and remember.... when you masterbate god kills a kitten.... please, think of the kittens!!!!!!
in other news my main studio computer crashed and i lost EVERYTHING. all my new songs for clients.... all my clints songs.... albums demos EVERYTHING. so im starting all over again from scratch. maybe im just taking this to well.. everyone else around me is freakign out. i guess im just detached from reality... lol. anyway ill add some more pics of my self for the people who really wanna go blind to do so with. but i love me... yeah i do! *huggles self* or something... i dont really know why i typed that... anyway take care kiddies and remember.... when you masterbate god kills a kitten.... please, think of the kittens!!!!!!


i'm gay?
i kid... please don't hit me. i'll clean the house... i'll make dinner... i'll even put out sometimes, i swear!
people suck. eff 'em. hehehe... such the optimist i am!