who rocks the party that rawks the partah?! not me thats for sure im a sqaure daddy-o. but anyway.... this week has been crazy!!! Mankind Is Obsolete from LA, IS going to play after all and im opening the show. its amazing that i threw this together in less then a week and booked one of the better clubs in the area for the show. im not even a promoter... just a lowly musician. i know how to swing my weight around *tries to hide his body mods section*. this is funny though most the time i really get excited about playing a show even after doing it for so long. but recently due to a hand full of people bringing me down i just want to say fuck it. so im in a slump. i cant let that happen though!! if i lose faith in myself there is no point going on. might as well go back to college to finish my teaching degree and forget about my sound engi. one. i dont know i hope MKIO likes my muisc. if they do i know that will just blow away anyone that has said i sucked or that i have no chance.... oh well thats enough im going to wendys and then playing xbox. ph3ar m3!!!!
PS be very very quite... *in his best elmer fud* im huntin Benni's...

PS be very very quite... *in his best elmer fud* im huntin Benni's...
oh no! don't hunt Benni! shes pa-ritty and has fierce tattoos 

dont be in a slump! you just got to believe in yoself!