you know whats funny kids? cliques! i prob didnt even spell that right, so another topic thats funny is my inability to spell. but yeah back on track damn add. no matter what you do or where you go you always find groups of people sticking together. thats all fine and dandy if you can eventually find yourself one to fit into. maybe its this town? maybe its me? i dont know, but i can never seem to find a place were i belong. i dont fit into any musicial clique here, im not a punk, though i like punk, im not a goth though i like goth, im not a rocker... hell you get my point. im just a man that enjoys himself some neat o eletronic music, or whatever else im in the mood for. for example right now i want to listen to some Public Image Ltd. and then ill pop in my new Peaches cd... then top off the night with Interpol. so as you can see i like a very wide range of music. that its totally taboo here. in this town you are a rocker and THATS IT! the rockers dont hang with the emo kids the emo kids dont hang with ravers blah blah blah its all bs. is it like this any place else? i wish i did have a group of people that i could just hang out with and play some nintendo, or something. i cant even find other musicians willing to work with me, not because i suck because I DONT SUCK!
( if i dont have faith in myself and my art no one else will
) they just dont want to work on eletronic muisc. its either metal, cover band, punk, or something along thouse lines. ugh this place is sucking me dry and i cant leave. sometimes life is funny.... you know there is so much more out there... maybe that perfect mate, a real social scene, stuff to do that im actually into... but, alas im stuck here.... for how long? who knows. i own my home... its kinda hard to leave it and be moved into some crappy apt. blah life is hard.... i want my money back!


and goddamn fat kids heart their cake...

hm. people suck... and... cliques suck... and fuck 'em. cuz peaches rocks my world.