well... yeah its time once again for a post of spooky doom!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! hehe.
my Bozo show went over quite well considering the songs were all written in less then a week. the producer im working with hooked me up with a Roland 909 this friday that i had to use today for a show!
it was nuts, but i was able to write 5 song parts to play. speeking of which, the show went over quite well for the 15 people that came. no dont look at me like that. it was done in this guys richie apartment. it was really nice and clean inside. so fresh and so clean clean... ack im becoming random again. i hate when that happens you know like when your head a slodes and you go "oh no! my head a splode!" hehe yeah im insane
well i dont have any more shows coming up for a bit. so, tomarrow im cleaning the house and re doing my studio again. it will be nice to have a nice clean home again. right now im living in filth! you have no idea! speeking of filth i better go fix myself and the cats something to eat. im sure we need it... except for garfield.. hes fat.... he lives up to his kitty name!
okay okay okay ive went on enough with my pointless shinanigans. bye kids!
my Bozo show went over quite well considering the songs were all written in less then a week. the producer im working with hooked me up with a Roland 909 this friday that i had to use today for a show!

well i dont have any more shows coming up for a bit. so, tomarrow im cleaning the house and re doing my studio again. it will be nice to have a nice clean home again. right now im living in filth! you have no idea! speeking of filth i better go fix myself and the cats something to eat. im sure we need it... except for garfield.. hes fat.... he lives up to his kitty name!

head a splode... that actually happens to me quite a bit... hehe... funny. everything IS coming up milhouse, and screw the people who don't understand. these flood pants are really working...
say hi to the cats from me. x