oompa lumpa doopa dee doo.... *cough*
anyway its about that time kids that i update. i had my first practice with this producer. it went well. he didnt bite my head off! so thats a good sign. the next practice is wednesday and the show is sunday. im ALMOST ready for the show thursday i really need to polish my vocal effects and add guitar. other then that im done! go me! i still have a to hook up my gear blah! i missed when all i had was a lap top. good times... not really but oh so easy to set up and keep track of everythingl now im always worried that someone is going ot steal even more of my stuff! ive already lost a mic stand a bunch of cables and a board... yes a board! who would steal a freakin board that says no left turns?! ah well. im thinking about getting chapions of norath for the ps2 so i can play with my friend in NYC but i really dont know anyone else to play this game with. so i dont know if its worth it or not? and its ever crack.... i dont need my semi none existent social life sucked even more dry... wait i think that would be normal haha i need a life.... anyone have one for sale? cheap though im a poor musician and i have kitties to feed.
kk adios
-UAIOE thats joe to YOU!
anyway its about that time kids that i update. i had my first practice with this producer. it went well. he didnt bite my head off! so thats a good sign. the next practice is wednesday and the show is sunday. im ALMOST ready for the show thursday i really need to polish my vocal effects and add guitar. other then that im done! go me! i still have a to hook up my gear blah! i missed when all i had was a lap top. good times... not really but oh so easy to set up and keep track of everythingl now im always worried that someone is going ot steal even more of my stuff! ive already lost a mic stand a bunch of cables and a board... yes a board! who would steal a freakin board that says no left turns?! ah well. im thinking about getting chapions of norath for the ps2 so i can play with my friend in NYC but i really dont know anyone else to play this game with. so i dont know if its worth it or not? and its ever crack.... i dont need my semi none existent social life sucked even more dry... wait i think that would be normal haha i need a life.... anyone have one for sale? cheap though im a poor musician and i have kitties to feed.
kk adios
-UAIOE thats joe to YOU!
