wow long time no update huh.... anyway last night was my second show, and im at a ponit were i have to evaluate the situation. i alerady know i can create a good product there is no doubt about that, i am very proud of my work. that being said, i feel it was a bit to rash or bold of me to try to do such a wild expriment in muisc. that expriment being a garage style eletronic band. you know, typically eltronic acts go for the flash, the glitz, you know fog machines, projectors, stage antics, ect ect ect. i took the muisc and the presentation with a rock and roll attituede of just set up and play. the band being just me made that some what dull, not to mention that the music i was creating was a blend of aphex twin meets the yeah yeah yeahs (my new fav band btw). i guess i knew better then to try something so left field and bold in this town, knowing that they pretty much hate anything eletronic that does not sound main stream. in any event i dont know weather to call this a failure... a lot of people dug it but a vast majority of people do not live in this town. i have a few big shows coming up, bozo porno circus, and mankind is obsolete. i think i will resurect my long dead industrial/dance project Vampire Lust Parade and preform the shows as that. Sehkh will just be a bad dream for now... but its far from dead....

Uncle Black is rather creepy...
i don't know amigo. i say fuck what people think and do what you want. there's greater spiritual satisfaction in that. anyway, the fact that brittany spears is still making records should be proof that creativity means fuck all in this world. other proof? i can't tell the difference between incubus and lincoln park and that seems a little strange to me.