well, tonight is the big show, and im trying to get in touch with ANYONE about it. i have a lot of gear to set up and perhaps trouble shoot. not to mention sound check, so i need to know a time to get there. it sucks that im going first, but im really used to it. even the shows i booked i tend to open. is it fair? not really, its just the way this town is. its all ego. and sadly i dont have one. maybe i should go buy one off ebay. blah i dont know. anyway a few big wigs will be their tonight so my show is going out them. there is also a freak show tonight and its expected to sell out. so yeah i can just pretend i sold it out and make myself feel better. but who knows, the ycame for the freak show and instead go infected by the sehkh virus.
wish some of my SG friends could make it... all 3 of um
but maybe when im on tour this summer
wish me luck guys!!!
