
so we finished mixing Friday. I listened to the mixdowns this afternoon, and there are a few things here and there that will need to be changed. nothing major.

all in all, I'm pretty happy with how everything sounds. I think people will be surprised that it sounds so nice, considering it was done by a couple of amatuers with zero production values (aka...
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seems like you been working hard as of the late. i hope everything turns out great for you! smile
I'm working on it, yo. I just signed up for multimedia messaging, so I can send pics from my phone to my email. I could probably just get a cable that plugs into my phone and to a USB port on my PC and upload pics that way, couldn't I? HEY???
we got back at mixing this week.

it's going really well and we're working fast, compared to before. i do have to re-track bass guitar for a song because no amount of EQ / compression / etc. is going to make it work. i'll be damned if i can figure out why we didn't notice it during playback earlier. whatever

i think we'll have it mixed...
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10. Dunkin Donuts coffee is pretty good

9. When buying a replacement camera battery, ALWAYS bring the old battery. You dont have a photographic memory, do you?

8. Its a lot easier to stay awake if youre talking the whole time.

7. A Fuck Milk- Got Pot? t-shirt doesnt go over well with parents and old folks.

6. New Yorkers arent _that_ rude.

5. Dont...
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excellent picture.

i drove a lot this weekend too! i kicked up the jams the whole time though. i'm well over my i-need-an-oil-change time, damnit!

Drove straight through from Milwaukee to NYC last night with DrummerManDan. We made it through some scaryfuckingsnowstorms in Indiana, Ohio, and Pennsylvania to make it. I've never seen so many stranded / ditched / overturned cars, trucks, SUVs (hmm...), and semis in my life. eeek Did not see any ambulances, so here's hoping everybody made it home okay.

I am SO unbelievably tired...
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ah, you're one of those tape op types! wink

well, whatever they say, i like the new interpol very much.
it's been a strange week or so since my last update.

mixing the record is in a holding pattern until Tim & Co. return from recording in NYC next week. needless to say, I'll be climbing the walls with boredom. anything interesting happening around town?

in other news, 2 of my friends got (or are about to get) dumped by their significant others. frown is it...
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I've been so lazy lately.

My friend Todd said he's started on the sleeve art for my record. I'm dying to see it because he's done some great stuff. It should also be nice because it will be an original work, not some stupid-ass emo picture of a building or the sky or some mopey looking rocker dude. um, yeah.

We've now (almost) finished mixing...
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it was alright. im super alergic to cats so we didnt stay as long as tomwopat probably wanted to. but thats ok. i felt worse for the TV, all the stuff being thrown at it.
as far as im concerned... no kittens or any aged felines are cool