I'm in so much pain right now its unbelievable. I went and got my ears pierced this afternoon (blood denial stretch from 0 straight to 4mm), the left ear was fine, no problems at all, the needle and the taper went through ok and it didnt hurt too much, but my right one??? my eyes were watering, i nearly bit JP (my piercer) cos the taper didnt go through properly at first, i felt it and heard it squeak as it went through and i can honestly say it was the most digusting feeling in the entire world, and probably the most painful too. it bled quite a bit on that side too. its not so bad now but its still so sore.
Been thinking of qutie a few ideas for sets to send in as the last part of my application, have come up with a couple of good ones and shot some pics, but any more ideas would be much appreciated!! i'll be sure to dedicate it to you when i get accepted haha
Anywhoo, I'm off to bed to try and not sleep on my ears and bleed all over my pillow
Nightnight all xx
Been thinking of qutie a few ideas for sets to send in as the last part of my application, have come up with a couple of good ones and shot some pics, but any more ideas would be much appreciated!! i'll be sure to dedicate it to you when i get accepted haha

Anywhoo, I'm off to bed to try and not sleep on my ears and bleed all over my pillow

Nightnight all xx
Hope to ear good news about your set in the next days
yeah it sucks