Here's a rather amusing photo of Tom (my now ex-manager.) He's an absolute LEGEND and I'm going to miss him sooooooo much. We're going out in a couple of weeks for my birthday when I'm home though

Had a rather interesting conversation about sexuality with two of my mates from work, who seemed to think it was very interesting that I like girls more than guys, and generally making rude comments. Men haha.
Had a few too many drinks and stupid dances, and far too many Squashed Frogs (a very very tasty shot). We only spent about 20 minutes in my favourite pub and then they decided to move to "The Square" of all places, and I decided enough is enough, I'm gonna finish my Jager then head home cos I feel sick
I also bumped into my piercer John, who is absolute sex on legs. I don't know how old he is, but quite frankly I don't care. He's the guy that gave me these beauties on friday...
...and it was so hot in the studio that afternoon that he didn't have his shirt on. He probably should have, but he has the most amazing back... *drool* and he has the cutest grin EVER whilst making lots of sexual innuendos
Had a lovely lie in this morning and a bit of "me-time", which was nice..haven't had a lie-in in a very long time. After riding Humbug for an hour or so I headed home to pack pack pack. It seems like that's all I've been doing. Choose my clothes for the week, wash them, pack them, check the list...what've I forgotten? Empty suitcase, check the list....on and on it goes. I think I'm done now...
Tomorrow I'm going to see my best bud Jem who just got back from a month in Kenya. We'll probs go and have lunch and off to see Pirates again I've really missed her lately so it'll be good to see her.
I've set up a wishlist by the way... y'know.... birthday coming up...don't know if I've mentioned it There's just a few stupid little things I want on it...*hint hint*
got your text, but ive ran out of free texts at the moment. tis a bogger.
im much better now, still in abit of discomfort, but i dont give a shit i need to get the hell out of the shitting house and molest you or something, asap.
much love homey