I'm in such a good mood today. Turns out I didn't have to go into work anymore (was meant to be covering someone else's shift) so got to ride Humbug for a few hours then met an old friend of mine, who I haven't seen in almost two years. We went shopping and spent shit loads of money. Bought each other presents cos our birthdays (which is in a few weeks by the way people!) are a week apart. I also bought a few other presents for upcoming b'days, and some new clothes and the likes. We went for lunch in weatherspoons and I had a fantasticly unhealthy beef burger, chips and beer
even though I don't like beer that much, I had it cos it was free... lol
I've really missed her. She was one of my closest friends at school and at college, it's a shame we've not seem much of each other lately. But she's home for the summer now
Whilst rummaging through a shop called The Tokenhouse for things to put into her house next year, including a rather funky doormat and a pair of candlesticks, we came across these rather amusing boxes of gum... yes, that's right... fruit flavoured chewing gum...... observe...

Gay Gum. It tasted like pineapple, and sometimes banana. I liked it.
Also this one..

I do think of the kittens. Really.... I feel sorry for them in their last dying moments
The weather here has been so marvelously and yet disgustingly hot. Too hot to breathe. I keep needing to have cold showers, even after just a two minute walk to the shop to post a letter and I was sweating like a bitch in heat.
Anywhoo. Here is a picture of yours truly, just cos I haven't posted one in a while.

I look like death warmed up.
I'm going ice skating next friday night with loads of people from work, which is going to be fucking hilarious. I've not been in years and I'm going to fall over. My ass is going to regret this.

This a pretty old pic, when I had my mohican still! It's one of a hundred or so taken for my set for SG aaaaages ago. I enjoy getting naked in pubs lol. Well.. not even in pubs. hahaha

I'm in such a good mood today. Turns out I didn't have to go into work anymore (was meant to be covering someone else's shift) so got to ride Humbug for a few hours then met an old friend of mine, who I haven't seen in almost two years. We went shopping and spent shit loads of money. Bought each other presents cos our birthdays (which is in a few weeks by the way people!) are a week apart. I also bought a few other presents for upcoming b'days, and some new clothes and the likes. We went for lunch in weatherspoons and I had a fantasticly unhealthy beef burger, chips and beer

I've really missed her. She was one of my closest friends at school and at college, it's a shame we've not seem much of each other lately. But she's home for the summer now

Whilst rummaging through a shop called The Tokenhouse for things to put into her house next year, including a rather funky doormat and a pair of candlesticks, we came across these rather amusing boxes of gum... yes, that's right... fruit flavoured chewing gum...... observe...

Gay Gum. It tasted like pineapple, and sometimes banana. I liked it.
Also this one..

I do think of the kittens. Really.... I feel sorry for them in their last dying moments

The weather here has been so marvelously and yet disgustingly hot. Too hot to breathe. I keep needing to have cold showers, even after just a two minute walk to the shop to post a letter and I was sweating like a bitch in heat.
Anywhoo. Here is a picture of yours truly, just cos I haven't posted one in a while.

I look like death warmed up.
I'm going ice skating next friday night with loads of people from work, which is going to be fucking hilarious. I've not been in years and I'm going to fall over. My ass is going to regret this.

This a pretty old pic, when I had my mohican still! It's one of a hundred or so taken for my set for SG aaaaages ago. I enjoy getting naked in pubs lol. Well.. not even in pubs. hahaha

Nice picture

You could bring Garfield to a whole new audience me thinketh!