WARNING - this blog contains LOTS of images
Good evening world! How is everyone tonight?
I can't believe how often I've been updating on here lately, it's madness, but now I've figured out how to get pictures off my phone onto the computer I keep taking photos of random crap to show you all! Aren't you the lucky ones! bwahahahahahaa
Today I've mostly been listening to this...

Billy Talent's second album...if you haven't been to get it yet GO NOW!! And if you haven't even got their first album, you're fucking insane and no friend of mine.

This morning was spent with Humbug, I got to the field and he looked like this

10 in the morning and still fast asleep, bless him.
He wasn't happy with me when I woke him up lol

We had a really good long ride, him being silly as usual. I love him so much
And the weather was fantastic too, so I gave him a good wash when we'd done so he was sparkly clean again. Unfortunately my back and shoulders now look like this....

I'm in so much pain it's unbelievable!! My poor skin can't handle the sun no matter how often I use suncream. I'm destined to stay forever pale and interesting and never tan...just burn.
Caught up on a bit of my sleep this afternoon as I was still so tired from last night. I'd gone to see my sister's burlesque show and it was absolutely fantastic. The Big Spender skit was the best and the bands supporting them were pretty good too.
My gran and sisters came round this afternoon and we all had lunch in the garden, it was so nice to have them all round again, I've missed spending time with my sisters. They're all so amazing. We're going to go and see the second pirates of the caribbean film next thursday
Got a bit bored earlier and did this

God bless red nail polish.
I weighed myself earlier and still am seriously underweight for my height, I mean, I'm naturally skinny but only just over 7 and a half stone is verging on the ridiculous. I mean LOOK!

I did warn you there would be a lot of pictures, but as you can tell I'm pretty bored. What does everyone else do to fill your spare days off? I wouldn't complain if I were you, yesterday I felt like shit, today I'm better - my mum has this way of just making me smile no matter what; that's why I carry this photo round in my wallet so if i get down I can look at it and feel better

Check out my pudgy little hamster cheeks hahahaha. I'm so young here!!!
Also, my mum got her new car yesterday and it's fucking awesome. I want to learn to drive just so I can drive this baby

Black PT Cruiser with blacked out windows. Seriously. The inside is amazing.
Aaaaaaanywhoo, I'm off to rub some cream onto my poor sunburnt neck and curl up in bed with my book. Yes! I'm reading again! I've missed having time to read without falling asleep from exhaustion.
Goodnight all, sweet dreams
who fancies coming to the Derby tattoo convention with me on July 16th (sunday)?
Good evening world! How is everyone tonight?
I can't believe how often I've been updating on here lately, it's madness, but now I've figured out how to get pictures off my phone onto the computer I keep taking photos of random crap to show you all! Aren't you the lucky ones! bwahahahahahaa

Today I've mostly been listening to this...

Billy Talent's second album...if you haven't been to get it yet GO NOW!! And if you haven't even got their first album, you're fucking insane and no friend of mine.

This morning was spent with Humbug, I got to the field and he looked like this

10 in the morning and still fast asleep, bless him.
He wasn't happy with me when I woke him up lol

We had a really good long ride, him being silly as usual. I love him so much

I'm in so much pain it's unbelievable!! My poor skin can't handle the sun no matter how often I use suncream. I'm destined to stay forever pale and interesting and never tan...just burn.
Caught up on a bit of my sleep this afternoon as I was still so tired from last night. I'd gone to see my sister's burlesque show and it was absolutely fantastic. The Big Spender skit was the best and the bands supporting them were pretty good too.
My gran and sisters came round this afternoon and we all had lunch in the garden, it was so nice to have them all round again, I've missed spending time with my sisters. They're all so amazing. We're going to go and see the second pirates of the caribbean film next thursday

Got a bit bored earlier and did this

God bless red nail polish.
I weighed myself earlier and still am seriously underweight for my height, I mean, I'm naturally skinny but only just over 7 and a half stone is verging on the ridiculous. I mean LOOK!

I did warn you there would be a lot of pictures, but as you can tell I'm pretty bored. What does everyone else do to fill your spare days off? I wouldn't complain if I were you, yesterday I felt like shit, today I'm better - my mum has this way of just making me smile no matter what; that's why I carry this photo round in my wallet so if i get down I can look at it and feel better

Check out my pudgy little hamster cheeks hahahaha. I'm so young here!!!
Also, my mum got her new car yesterday and it's fucking awesome. I want to learn to drive just so I can drive this baby

Black PT Cruiser with blacked out windows. Seriously. The inside is amazing.
Aaaaaaanywhoo, I'm off to rub some cream onto my poor sunburnt neck and curl up in bed with my book. Yes! I'm reading again! I've missed having time to read without falling asleep from exhaustion.
Goodnight all, sweet dreams

who fancies coming to the Derby tattoo convention with me on July 16th (sunday)?
And whether you're skinny or not, you're still gorgeous, kay?