Ok, I'm back.
Had a very busy couple of days. Straight after work on saturday got taken to the train station in Derby to catch my train to Newcastle to see Jemma. Had a very nice conversation with this lovely woman who kept me company so I didn't have to talk to the creepy guy across the aisle... she got off at the sae stop as me and made sure I found the right coach to take me the rest of the way!
Most of yesterday was spent with Jem, lounging round on the beach or being shown the sights and eating Ben and Jerry's ice creams. Good times. The beach was so packed and Jem cut her foot on something "sharp and stabby", as she put it. The evening consister of walking round the park near her flat and collapsing on the floor to soak up the last of the sun, then scaring all the little kids of the play park so we could play the "try and throw each other off the weird spinny thing" game. Went out afterwards to the pub and met some of her uni mates, most of whom seem to be very loud but very nice
Today she's got a field trip thing about bugs (lucky her!) so I'm left to my own devices... once I'm done on here it'll probably be into town to buy some goddamn flip-flops and maybe a new skirt (I'm splashing out haha) then back down to the beach if the weather's still good.
Anyone in Newcastle give me a shout, I'm only here til tomorrow evening (my train to Glasgow is at 17:40).
As you can probably tell, I'm quite a bit happier than I have been in the last few days, and really looking forward to meeting the lovely naughty_firefly tomorrow night!!
Update - the following morning....
Got back to Jem's flat at 3:40 in the morning, feeling like shit. Had a pretty good night I guess, to say I was dragged round a load of shit clubs that play such bad music. I got hit on by 4 different guys throughout the course of the night - a 27yr old australian bloke, he's older than my big sister - I told him where to shove it. One of Jem's mates, this sad little boy called Seb, would NOT leave me ALONE!!! It was so fucking frustrating...every time I went somewhere I'd turn round and he'd be right behind me... JUST FUCK OFF ALREADY!??!!! god.... errrr who else, this really camp guy who wouldn't stop stroking my arm, and another of the group called Marc who really like girating when he danced hahaha.
My leg is pretty fucked though, my knee was playing up all night and it was so sore but I just kept on dancing like the noob that I am.
I'm so tired my face hurts.
Anywhoo, I've got to finish packing my stuff away then I'm off out for the day and can't get back in cos Jem's on a uni field trip today and has taken her key.
God knows what I'm going to do all day... the weathers pretty nice so I could go to the beach but I've got my suitcase and rucksack with me and don't really want to drag it there with me.. fuck.
Might just go and lounge in the park all day and read my book some more.
Had a very busy couple of days. Straight after work on saturday got taken to the train station in Derby to catch my train to Newcastle to see Jemma. Had a very nice conversation with this lovely woman who kept me company so I didn't have to talk to the creepy guy across the aisle... she got off at the sae stop as me and made sure I found the right coach to take me the rest of the way!
Most of yesterday was spent with Jem, lounging round on the beach or being shown the sights and eating Ben and Jerry's ice creams. Good times. The beach was so packed and Jem cut her foot on something "sharp and stabby", as she put it. The evening consister of walking round the park near her flat and collapsing on the floor to soak up the last of the sun, then scaring all the little kids of the play park so we could play the "try and throw each other off the weird spinny thing" game. Went out afterwards to the pub and met some of her uni mates, most of whom seem to be very loud but very nice

Today she's got a field trip thing about bugs (lucky her!) so I'm left to my own devices... once I'm done on here it'll probably be into town to buy some goddamn flip-flops and maybe a new skirt (I'm splashing out haha) then back down to the beach if the weather's still good.
Anyone in Newcastle give me a shout, I'm only here til tomorrow evening (my train to Glasgow is at 17:40).
As you can probably tell, I'm quite a bit happier than I have been in the last few days, and really looking forward to meeting the lovely naughty_firefly tomorrow night!!

Update - the following morning....
Got back to Jem's flat at 3:40 in the morning, feeling like shit. Had a pretty good night I guess, to say I was dragged round a load of shit clubs that play such bad music. I got hit on by 4 different guys throughout the course of the night - a 27yr old australian bloke, he's older than my big sister - I told him where to shove it. One of Jem's mates, this sad little boy called Seb, would NOT leave me ALONE!!! It was so fucking frustrating...every time I went somewhere I'd turn round and he'd be right behind me... JUST FUCK OFF ALREADY!??!!! god.... errrr who else, this really camp guy who wouldn't stop stroking my arm, and another of the group called Marc who really like girating when he danced hahaha.
My leg is pretty fucked though, my knee was playing up all night and it was so sore but I just kept on dancing like the noob that I am.
I'm so tired my face hurts.
Anywhoo, I've got to finish packing my stuff away then I'm off out for the day and can't get back in cos Jem's on a uni field trip today and has taken her key.
God knows what I'm going to do all day... the weathers pretty nice so I could go to the beach but I've got my suitcase and rucksack with me and don't really want to drag it there with me.. fuck.
Might just go and lounge in the park all day and read my book some more.

I know what you mean! When I first got my labret, it got snagged on a tooth and pulled all the way through backwards!
So...are you gald to be back?
(Oh, I put a few web-cam pics up of my new hair and brows. I'll get better ones eventually. They're under pics in the folder "pics of guess who")