*camp wave* Hello again!!
Sooooo........what have I been up to I hear you cry! Well. Went to see Silent Hill last night and it was pretty damn good, I got a bit freaked out at certain parts, like that thing that crawled out the toilet... with the tongue and the noises.... eugh *shudder* but the rest of it was cool, especially Pyramid Head or whatever he's called. If anybody else has seen it let me know what you thought. Anyway, I was still a bit creeped out when we all came out the cinema so Adam came back to my house and cuddled me all night and made me feel better
. Finally the longest period without sex is over bwahahahahaha. C'mon everyone - THREE CHEERS FOR GREAT SEX
In other news
Stretched my ears again yesterday,gone up another mm, nothing interesting really. Going to buy myself some nice new tunnels today.
Hmmmm what else? Oh, Humbug is officially a blithering idiot. Riding yesterday morning and whenever I wanted to trot he'd try and canter off, try and canter and he'd fly buck and try to charge off up the hill. What a moron. So I ended up riding for almost 3 hours, did a load of jumping cos we've been doing mostly ground work recently. Need to get him ready for the Cross Country coming up in a month or so. It was really good weather though so we went down to the river for a bit and he was splashing round for ages. I got soaked
bless him.
Just finished reading the Lord of the Rings trilogy (again) so now I need to find something else to read.....might start Harry Potter (again!) I really need to find some new books lol. Someone recommend me something good and I'll smother you with kisses.
Ok well, maybe not, but... whatever...
Sooooo........what have I been up to I hear you cry! Well. Went to see Silent Hill last night and it was pretty damn good, I got a bit freaked out at certain parts, like that thing that crawled out the toilet... with the tongue and the noises.... eugh *shudder* but the rest of it was cool, especially Pyramid Head or whatever he's called. If anybody else has seen it let me know what you thought. Anyway, I was still a bit creeped out when we all came out the cinema so Adam came back to my house and cuddled me all night and made me feel better

In other news
Stretched my ears again yesterday,gone up another mm, nothing interesting really. Going to buy myself some nice new tunnels today.
Hmmmm what else? Oh, Humbug is officially a blithering idiot. Riding yesterday morning and whenever I wanted to trot he'd try and canter off, try and canter and he'd fly buck and try to charge off up the hill. What a moron. So I ended up riding for almost 3 hours, did a load of jumping cos we've been doing mostly ground work recently. Need to get him ready for the Cross Country coming up in a month or so. It was really good weather though so we went down to the river for a bit and he was splashing round for ages. I got soaked

Just finished reading the Lord of the Rings trilogy (again) so now I need to find something else to read.....might start Harry Potter (again!) I really need to find some new books lol. Someone recommend me something good and I'll smother you with kisses.
Ok well, maybe not, but... whatever...

I don't think blood denial is for me..."shudder". I just about pass out just from a normal stretching or piercing because, believe it or not, I am horrified of needles!
If it doesn't have to be tea tree oil, I have this other oil that she (my piercer) gave me for healing, which has tea tree oil and other stuff in it. I think I'll give that a go. I just woke up...so I have to get myself together enough to actually do it. You know...caffeine!