So. We have a dilemma. Well, not so much a dilemma as just a big fat gay problem. I've been with my boy for almost 3 years, and I absolutely love him to pieces. He's amazing, gorgeous, funny, smart, sexy and generally fantastic. I love spending time with him and being with him, but (and this is a very big but) I feel like I'm missing out on so much. I've been with him since I was 16 and I never really had a proper relationship before him, and I can't help but think "what if I wasn't with him" or about all the things I could be doing, the people I could be seeing. I worry that I'm going to get to 60 and look back and regret not doing the things I want to. My single friends always seem to be having so much fun, going out doing whatever the hell they like, when I'm stuck in the same routine with my boy. There's one guy I do really like, he's great, and although he has a girlfriend, and don't get me wrong I would never EVER cheat on my boyfriend, I can't stop thinking about him and end up resenting being in a relationship.
God I sound like such a fucking loser. I hate myself sometimes. There's also the fact that I'm never going to get to be with a girl again because my boyfriend says he's ok with it but gets very jealous.
So what the crap do I do. I've tried talking to the bf but he got all freaked out and angry.
I need a hug
This bites.
God I sound like such a fucking loser. I hate myself sometimes. There's also the fact that I'm never going to get to be with a girl again because my boyfriend says he's ok with it but gets very jealous.
So what the crap do I do. I've tried talking to the bf but he got all freaked out and angry.
I need a hug
This bites.

I send you Huggs and...Kisses
then when he asks why, be all like, "bitch please. it's not like you havent seen her naked too."
alright, i just made myself laugh, and blush. a lot.