I feel like it's time I updated.
So..."what's new in your life" I hear you cry. Well, if you really want to open that can of worms, go ahead.
I now completely hate working at shitty Toys R Us, my boss is being a complete wanker and because our inventory is on sunday 15th (which everyone has to work) he also wants me to work friday (friday and sunday are my days off..) to get everything finished. He can fuck off cos there's no bloody way I'm working 11 days in a pissin row. I'm so fed up of work taking over my entire life, I don't have anytime for anything anymore, I'm always so tired now and it hurts like hell that I can never go and ride Humbug much anymore, just see him for 20 mins in the morning while I feed him. I went and took him on a 3 hour hack this morning with some friends and he was fucking amazing. I've missed it so much.
So.... I've decided I'm going to stick it out til February (until I've got my Commitment Incentive Pay - (up to 750 for me bwahahahaha) and then quit) Don't tell anyone! See how they like it without a supervisor
Next item of news, more tattoos on the way???? Watch this space my friend.
What else?? I had a pretty damn good new years eve, went to my boyfriends brothers' girlfriends house, god bless her, she's lovely. And we had a "homemade superhero's fancy dress party" with everyone wearing big capes, eye masks and pants over their trousers
Everyone got far too drunk playing games and getting naked haha. Went outside and started playing superhero games.
Peace, love and hippy shit
So..."what's new in your life" I hear you cry. Well, if you really want to open that can of worms, go ahead.
I now completely hate working at shitty Toys R Us, my boss is being a complete wanker and because our inventory is on sunday 15th (which everyone has to work) he also wants me to work friday (friday and sunday are my days off..) to get everything finished. He can fuck off cos there's no bloody way I'm working 11 days in a pissin row. I'm so fed up of work taking over my entire life, I don't have anytime for anything anymore, I'm always so tired now and it hurts like hell that I can never go and ride Humbug much anymore, just see him for 20 mins in the morning while I feed him. I went and took him on a 3 hour hack this morning with some friends and he was fucking amazing. I've missed it so much.
So.... I've decided I'm going to stick it out til February (until I've got my Commitment Incentive Pay - (up to 750 for me bwahahahaha) and then quit) Don't tell anyone! See how they like it without a supervisor

Next item of news, more tattoos on the way???? Watch this space my friend.
What else?? I had a pretty damn good new years eve, went to my boyfriends brothers' girlfriends house, god bless her, she's lovely. And we had a "homemade superhero's fancy dress party" with everyone wearing big capes, eye masks and pants over their trousers

Peace, love and hippy shit

new tattoo? awesome. I cant wait to get more done..soon...