Ok 've been having trouble with my Stereo. I think it's trying to kill me with static. It might also be trying out a new career as a DJ, while I can understand that being a personal Soundsystem might not give one the most rewarding feelings in life, I've gotta say I wasn't the worst owner. I mean I added some wiring so that it could really give some suround sound, I keep it clean, it even has it's own shelf. But I guess my Stereo craves the limelight....
I'll start accepting applications and resumes to fill the position of my old Stereo shortly, I just need a little time to break the news to my current Soundsystem...hopefully it takes the news well.
Hopefull applicants Must be able to play CDs, Have an excellent FM and AM radio wave recieving capabilities, and Ideally are able to accept extra speakers as the ones I have now work just fine and I see no need to let them go aswell.
thank you.
you're never on here anymore! boo!