Once again I seem to be back at square one... back at the beginning. It seems I keep getting sent back to start no matter what I do. Maybe I'm doing something wrong... or not getting something right... It's pretty frusterating to keep having your world cave in on you and have to pick up the pieces over and over again.
I know to be truly happy I must follow my heart, but right now my heart is troubled and I'm afraid to trust myself.
I am probably going to have to move out of the house I just moved into a couple months ago. I have a couple options as to where I can go. I suppose I'll stick around in Phoenix for another year as was the original plan. I just applied for Shelter Manager at my workplace at the prompting of a few employees who encouraged me to do so. It would be a great opportunity were I chosen for the position.
I think what I really need to do is stop talking about all these great ideas that I have and things that I'd like to do and start doing them. Because the next thing I know it'll be ten more years down the road and I'll still be talking about my fantastic ideas. I'm not sure why I've waited so long... perhaps fear of failure, or wanting to be sure I'm walking the right path or maybe I was just hoping for a partner in crime to share in my vision. Whatever the case... the world won't wait for me so I better just suck it up and get started.
The following has been a favorite poem of mine since I was in high school. It's always resonated deeply with me and has been something that describes my idealistic views of the world. It helps me to read it from time to time because it keeps me from becoming jaded and developing a hardened shell. It renews the flicker of hope inside of me that at times seems so dim...
Be a dreamer, fill your pockets
to their brim with fairy gold,
wade knee deep in silver moonlight,
gather all your arms can hold.
Leave a trail of fire behind you,
as you sail into the wind,
now's the time to follow rainbows
that you may not find again.
Be a dreamer, there is magic
in the wonders you can find.
If you hunger after treasure,
let it be the lasting kind.
Fill your moats and build your castles,
spin your webs of diamond dust.
Weave life's colors into patterns
that will never fray or rust.
Be a dreamer, there is nothing
that can stop you if you try.
Let your light shine through the darkness,
hold your candle to the sky.
Time has dimmed this old world's vision,
'til things are not what they seem,
what it's desperately in need of
is a dreamer and his dream.
~ Grace E. Easley
I know to be truly happy I must follow my heart, but right now my heart is troubled and I'm afraid to trust myself.
I am probably going to have to move out of the house I just moved into a couple months ago. I have a couple options as to where I can go. I suppose I'll stick around in Phoenix for another year as was the original plan. I just applied for Shelter Manager at my workplace at the prompting of a few employees who encouraged me to do so. It would be a great opportunity were I chosen for the position.
I think what I really need to do is stop talking about all these great ideas that I have and things that I'd like to do and start doing them. Because the next thing I know it'll be ten more years down the road and I'll still be talking about my fantastic ideas. I'm not sure why I've waited so long... perhaps fear of failure, or wanting to be sure I'm walking the right path or maybe I was just hoping for a partner in crime to share in my vision. Whatever the case... the world won't wait for me so I better just suck it up and get started.
The following has been a favorite poem of mine since I was in high school. It's always resonated deeply with me and has been something that describes my idealistic views of the world. It helps me to read it from time to time because it keeps me from becoming jaded and developing a hardened shell. It renews the flicker of hope inside of me that at times seems so dim...
Be a dreamer, fill your pockets
to their brim with fairy gold,
wade knee deep in silver moonlight,
gather all your arms can hold.
Leave a trail of fire behind you,
as you sail into the wind,
now's the time to follow rainbows
that you may not find again.
Be a dreamer, there is magic
in the wonders you can find.
If you hunger after treasure,
let it be the lasting kind.
Fill your moats and build your castles,
spin your webs of diamond dust.
Weave life's colors into patterns
that will never fray or rust.
Be a dreamer, there is nothing
that can stop you if you try.
Let your light shine through the darkness,
hold your candle to the sky.
Time has dimmed this old world's vision,
'til things are not what they seem,
what it's desperately in need of
is a dreamer and his dream.
~ Grace E. Easley

Good luck with the manager job... I hope you get it.