On August 6th, I will be participating in a fundraiser for animal welfare. It's called the Bowl-A-Rama for Animal Rescue and this will be my second year participating. I will be collecting pledges to help support this event and I thought I'd extend the opportunity to all of you to help the animals. If you would like to donate to this cause, there are two ways you can do it.
1. Go to the AAWL website and donate online. Be sure to add in the comments that it's for the Bowl-A-Rama and that I'm the bowler you are sponsoring. (My name is at the bottom of the page. Look for Tara.)
2. Or if you'd like to mail a check to me directly, please send me an email and I'll reply with an address.
Here is me bowling last year with the Ruff Rollers.
This year I'll be with the Alley Cats. Thank goodness I don't have to be a good bowler to be able to help the animals.... I'll update after the event and let you know how horrible - I mean how well I did.
So have a heart and please help the animals.
This really means a lot to me and I appreciate all of you who are willing to help very, very much!
1. Go to the AAWL website and donate online. Be sure to add in the comments that it's for the Bowl-A-Rama and that I'm the bowler you are sponsoring. (My name is at the bottom of the page. Look for Tara.)
2. Or if you'd like to mail a check to me directly, please send me an email and I'll reply with an address.
Here is me bowling last year with the Ruff Rollers.

This year I'll be with the Alley Cats. Thank goodness I don't have to be a good bowler to be able to help the animals.... I'll update after the event and let you know how horrible - I mean how well I did.

So have a heart and please help the animals.

This really means a lot to me and I appreciate all of you who are willing to help very, very much!

Oh for the time when I can have a dog friend again.