It's funny how some things can change your perspective on life, such as the magnificence of a natural wonder. As I drove home from the Grand Canyon I remember the impending feeling of returning to reality. The closer I got the heavier it felt. This made me wonder why reality was so dreaded and why it is so often escaped, especially by me. And why reality wasn't spending time in nature with loved ones and really experiencing the world and all of it's beauty. I've always known that I need to reconnect with nature every so often to recharge, so to speak and I think it really sunk in this past time. I think I'll try to take these little nature escapes more often and maybe then reality won't seem like such a chore.
Of all the places you have traveled, which stands out in your mind as the most breath-takingly beautiful? Gimme pictures if you have them...
I would have to say obviously the Grand Canyon and
Sedona, Arizonza (specifically Cathedral Rock)

I love belly dance - several styles of it. In terms of music, I have a thing for Turkish belly dance.