"They are salmon swimming upstream out of season, true strangers in a strange land."
"They are often plagued by allergies and a gnawing feeling of malaise. As children they typically display vivid imaginations and have make-believe playmates. They often find themselves outside the core of social cliques and are more apt to be loners than joiners. They develop a curiosity that may well get them into hot water - questioning authority at every level, needing to understand before obeying. They tend to have a highly developed rebellious side, intuitively realizing that most of the rules they have to follow are arbitrary and make little sense."
"If they accept religion at all, they tend to gravitate towards Eastern philosophies, like Buddhism and Taoism, or the less orthodox versions of the classical religions into which they were born. They seem to know instinctively that, at some point, they will have to transcend their beliefs to fulfill the purpose for which they came."
To move past any restrictive construct - whether an idea, a relationship, or a full-blown illusion - all you need is Awareness.
Hold one vital question in the forefront of your mind at all times: Who am I?
And it's companion question: What is my purpose?
Look for the answers with your heart, not your mind.
From Going Deeper by Jean-Claude Koven.
"They are often plagued by allergies and a gnawing feeling of malaise. As children they typically display vivid imaginations and have make-believe playmates. They often find themselves outside the core of social cliques and are more apt to be loners than joiners. They develop a curiosity that may well get them into hot water - questioning authority at every level, needing to understand before obeying. They tend to have a highly developed rebellious side, intuitively realizing that most of the rules they have to follow are arbitrary and make little sense."
"If they accept religion at all, they tend to gravitate towards Eastern philosophies, like Buddhism and Taoism, or the less orthodox versions of the classical religions into which they were born. They seem to know instinctively that, at some point, they will have to transcend their beliefs to fulfill the purpose for which they came."
To move past any restrictive construct - whether an idea, a relationship, or a full-blown illusion - all you need is Awareness.
Hold one vital question in the forefront of your mind at all times: Who am I?
And it's companion question: What is my purpose?
Look for the answers with your heart, not your mind.
From Going Deeper by Jean-Claude Koven.
I still see no Testimonial...
how have you been doing then eh?

Just kick him in the balls..