It's so surreal to think back through the years sometimes. Painfully surreal at this moment. Bittersweet.
I used to get lost in the past, in fact I was lost there a long time. Now I find comfort in believing that everything happens for a greater reason, that we cannot always know at the time. This has shown itself to me over and over again so I find it to be so.
At the very least, I know that it is what is it.
And that is usually what gets me through the day.
That and an adorable 2 year old boy who give me kisses on the cheek and wants me to chase him around the kitchen all day.
That's all the greater reason I need.
I used to get lost in the past, in fact I was lost there a long time. Now I find comfort in believing that everything happens for a greater reason, that we cannot always know at the time. This has shown itself to me over and over again so I find it to be so.
At the very least, I know that it is what is it.
And that is usually what gets me through the day.
That and an adorable 2 year old boy who give me kisses on the cheek and wants me to chase him around the kitchen all day.
That's all the greater reason I need.
Change what you want to change, and let everything out of your control pass you by. Just make sure you remember what you've already passed, or else you could end up with one leg shorter than the other