Your greatest dream?
What is your single greatest dream?
If you REALLY, REALLY, REALLY could have anything you want?
The most important step to having something, is declaring it.
Forming the very thought in your head, is the beginning.
Speaking it to the world, is the next step.
What would it is for you...
An island in the carribean?
To bring one million people out of poverty?
To dance on broadway?
To have a best selling book?
To have the partner of your dreams?
To cure a disease?
What is your single greatest dream?
Would you tell me?
Would you tell everyone?
Would you shout it to the world?
~ ~ ~ ~ ~

I say YES to having my very own transformational coffee shop called the Harmony House where I can create a gathering place for people to wake up to more than just a cup of coffee. It will be the arena for me to share all my special talents and skills, such as Life Coaching, Hypnotherapy, Reiki, Astrology and Tarot, with individuals one by one to create a spiritually conscious community. I am confident, compassionate, creative, dynamic, focused, accountable, authentic and a true visionary! I am a Star on Earth! I say YES to my DREAMS!
Your greatest dream?
What is your single greatest dream?
If you REALLY, REALLY, REALLY could have anything you want?
The most important step to having something, is declaring it.
Forming the very thought in your head, is the beginning.
Speaking it to the world, is the next step.
What would it is for you...
An island in the carribean?
To bring one million people out of poverty?
To dance on broadway?
To have a best selling book?
To have the partner of your dreams?
To cure a disease?
What is your single greatest dream?
Would you tell me?
Would you tell everyone?
Would you shout it to the world?
~ ~ ~ ~ ~

I say YES to having my very own transformational coffee shop called the Harmony House where I can create a gathering place for people to wake up to more than just a cup of coffee. It will be the arena for me to share all my special talents and skills, such as Life Coaching, Hypnotherapy, Reiki, Astrology and Tarot, with individuals one by one to create a spiritually conscious community. I am confident, compassionate, creative, dynamic, focused, accountable, authentic and a true visionary! I am a Star on Earth! I say YES to my DREAMS!