It's kind of funny how people tend to get in the way of themselves. Myself included. So many chances passed by... too afraid of failure to even try. I suppose we are all where we are for a reason.... not sure what that reason may be. But it's okay.... it's alright. Life is just a series of moments anyway. My goals these days have changed quite a bit and my vision of success is not quite the norm, but I have never really cared much about the norm. All I really want is to be kind, true and present in every moment. Funny thing is the hardest part of that goal is to be kind and true to myself. Every now and again I am very overwhelmed with myself and I have to try to remind myself that life is too important to take seriously. This is one lesson my dad tought me. My dad.... that's a whole other story. I love to ramble. I love being random. I rarely make much sense to anyone outside of my head when I go off on a rant like this, but no one's around much these days so it's all good. I am what I am... perfectly imperfect. And I'm okay with that.
It is better to light one candle than to curse the darkness.
The Captain is my friend.
It is better to light one candle than to curse the darkness.
The Captain is my friend.

I will keep in touch, of course. Sorry I won't be back for your B-day on Wed. but pre-happy birthday anyway.