where has the time gone?
I have been a member of this site off and on since 2001 (since 2003 with this screen name) that's almost ten years, and in that time have made friends that will last a lifetime and some that barely lasted a season.
I went from crushing on Bailey in 2002 to Working with Her in 2006. I have spent nearly a quarter of my life virtually (and literally come to think of it) surrounded by beautiful tattooed women.
This site has been part of my life through love, loss, addiction, heartache, illness, recovery, and strife. Some of the thoughts I shared this with this community over the course of almost a decade have been entertaining, some sad, and some admittedly were utterly self indulgent, but all have been truth and all from the heart.
side note on truth: I never got caught up in the "politics" of SG nor have I ever wanted to, I don't believe that there is free-speech when it comes to "on-line communities", even less so to ones that are also at their core a Porn site, but I do believe in being honest. Its with that in mind I write this.
Thank you Suicidegirls.com for being such a large part of my adult life.
Thank you Bailey, Rydell, Sid, Eliska, Odette, Poppy, Alexsandria, Palo, and any other SG I have worked with, past and preasent.
Finally. Thank you, yes you. if you took the time to read this instead of just checking to see if there were pics in it, thanks.
I have been a member of this site off and on since 2001 (since 2003 with this screen name) that's almost ten years, and in that time have made friends that will last a lifetime and some that barely lasted a season.
I went from crushing on Bailey in 2002 to Working with Her in 2006. I have spent nearly a quarter of my life virtually (and literally come to think of it) surrounded by beautiful tattooed women.
This site has been part of my life through love, loss, addiction, heartache, illness, recovery, and strife. Some of the thoughts I shared this with this community over the course of almost a decade have been entertaining, some sad, and some admittedly were utterly self indulgent, but all have been truth and all from the heart.
side note on truth: I never got caught up in the "politics" of SG nor have I ever wanted to, I don't believe that there is free-speech when it comes to "on-line communities", even less so to ones that are also at their core a Porn site, but I do believe in being honest. Its with that in mind I write this.
Thank you Suicidegirls.com for being such a large part of my adult life.
Thank you Bailey, Rydell, Sid, Eliska, Odette, Poppy, Alexsandria, Palo, and any other SG I have worked with, past and preasent.

Finally. Thank you, yes you. if you took the time to read this instead of just checking to see if there were pics in it, thanks.

Thank you for exposing me to these ladies bud. Thanks to you, every time I meet someone new I get introduced as the pornographer.
well I am glad you were around.. I would have never imagined being around here for so long.