I should start with the inevitable, I turned Thirty-three last week. This wouldn't have hit me as hard as it did if I hadn't had a, less then ideal, trip to the doctor earlier in the week. In a nutshell I went to complain about my left knee's odd behavioral habit of just buckling while I'm walking around. Instead of insightful and reassuring advice my doctor just exclaimed, and I quote.
"Well you can stand to loose more weight, and your not getting any younger."
So, Fat and Old, that's her diagnosis. I mean, I knew those were contributing factors, but WHAT THE FUCK?!? I asked her if I could have a referral to a orthopedic specialist, she dismissed me informing me she has been practicing medicine for 15 years and if she thought i needed a referral she would have provided one. So I told her I wanted to see a doctor who wasn't still "Practicing" medicine, I mean if you haven't figured it out in 15 years it may be time to let a "pro" take over.
Which brings me to a interesting point, What the fuck is with the phrase?
"Practice makes Perfect."
What kind of bullshit is this, I'm supposed to be reassured by that?!? It fucking implies that you suck at a task and need to brush up on it.
That's all I got for now.
(i am not twisted nor bitter)
happy birthday (late)
my friends doctor had a similar go at her a while ago.. and i quote - "your fat... you need to stop gorging yourself" Just coz the Dr was a tiny lady... doesn't mean we ALL need to be 5ft nothing and weigh 30kgs !
Perhaps your Dr should send you for an xray or ultrasound to rule things out rather than believing she has xray vision herself and is INFALLIBLE!!!
Soz about the rant...
goodluck mate.... and I think a 2nd oppinion is well worth it