Wii code = 6696 6635 2868 1164
Ok, let's face it. The Nintendo Wii is a bit like that last entenmann's doughnut in the box.
Granted it was fantastic when you opened the box, but now all thats left is the one chocolate
frosted one with a bite taken out of it. Don't get me wrong I dig entenmann's chocolate frosted
doughnuts but someone bit that fucker thus rendering it in eatable....
Sorry I'm sidetracked, back to this metaphor's point. The Nintendo Wii.
With a mess of shitty ported games and enough mini-games to shake a nunchuck at, the Wii game library
leaves a to be desired. As you may or may not know I recently became one of these
assholes Ouch! Long story short I was playing Carnival Games a little to close to the coffee table, the result of this Wii-tarted action is that I have been waring a wrist
brace for just over a week now and I have no desire to swing my Wii-mote around like an idiot.
So what do I do?
Honestly its a pretty good time to say "fuck you" to the Wii games
We have Microsoft finally beating the pants off a certain lovable stereotype promoting
plumber, yes thats right the Devil (read as Microsoft) is still riding high on Master Chief's
shoulders and they are riding him right to the bank. For the first time since the Xbox360's launch
the Devil (yep, still Microsoft) has turned a profit.
But what about the Nintendo fanboys? Well we have a new Zelda on the DS, fat lot of good that does
me however since I don't have a DS
Well How about using the Wii's some what hidden talent. IT'S A FUCKING GAMECUBE! So I have recently
discovered how cool some of the Nintendo Gamecube games were, and I did it on the cheap cause all
those games I never played are for sale used. I picked up The Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time,
Majora's Mask, and Windwaker as well as Mario Golf and a Remake of the First Resident evil and I
Payed less then I would on a New Wii Mini-game skullfuck.
Same shit Different Place.