So here is the world the way I see it.
MTV has only changed on account of the people watching it.
When the youth of America was interested in politics, sex, crime, and an alternative form of news MTV proudly provided it. but what next, generation X grew up and we went online. shit the whole world went online. why listen to a corporation like MTV anymore for politics, sex, crime, and an alternative form of news when we have the fucking internet.
MTV needed to have mindless reality TV bullshit to compete with my being able to see a dude get killed in a moshpit on youtube.
Why would you listen to Kurt "the dinosaur" loader "reporting" about Britney Spears' breakdown when the whole thing was fucking live on
Also I know its not fashionable to mention nowadays but not all of us are liberals or conservative and we don't all want to watch news thats so obviously slanted in one direction or the other. Why would anyone for that matter when you could read Digg for hours on end.
Music changed as well. As it does every decade since the 1940's. What happened was that in the late 90's the music doesnt matter anymore. The blame is easy to point Bill Clinton and Metallica. Bill cause her made this country prosper, no teen angst = no youth counter culture. If the kids aren't pissed off at the adults the music suffers thats why no one wants to listen to Soundgarden with you anymore.
Which brings me to Metallica, suing your fans is committing commercial suicide. this is fact. Unfortunately Lars and the boys used a nuclear bomb to kill themselves and the fallout drove real music fans underground where we don't need to pay for music anymore.
The kids suck now, their music, their clothes, their attitude how is MTV gonna sell a product like Music to a generation who doesn't pay for their entertainment anymore? They can't! so they target younger audiences they air what is popular for the tweeners (12 to 16 year olds) to force parents to buy it for the little shits.
In summery. MTV was never meant to be a source for education and information for the youth of America, and they blew what little hold they had on the minds of us about the same time Kurt Cobain blew what little mind he had a hold of on a wall.
filmjedi is a crybaby
Halo 3!!!