So I'm engaged, "officially" that is. I think most people who know me and the little lady expected this or in the very least knew it was gonna happen, and they were right. Thank you Palo for the pic, I think its from the Stravin with Louis Karaoke party, wow so long ago.
Lets see other news...
The Melatonin has put a dent in my insomnia though it is by no means a cure, I still spend 18 to 20 ours awake at a given stretch but considering the 36 to 40 I was up it is a vast improvement.
I missed filmjedi's Birthday (and so did you I bet.) go give the kid some love. I did have a reason though. I missed it on account of Lia's Potentially broken foot. Gonna find out for sure when the x-rays come in this week
Last but not least I would like to thank Britain for this intoxicating substance:

i'm trying to think about what number i'll put for yours out of 500