First day of school today ... kind of. Just a night calss on wed, a buisness class. It seems alright.
Part of my student loan came today and I got the rest of the parts I needed to build up another bike. I sold mine when I left austrailia to go to thialand, and I have been so bored not being able to ride the past few weeks here.
got a raise at work from what I was making before I left. I don't understand it but whatever.... employee of the month I guess.
tommorow I have a studio class all day... looking forward to it...
Part of my student loan came today and I got the rest of the parts I needed to build up another bike. I sold mine when I left austrailia to go to thialand, and I have been so bored not being able to ride the past few weeks here.
got a raise at work from what I was making before I left. I don't understand it but whatever.... employee of the month I guess.
tommorow I have a studio class all day... looking forward to it...
ha. employee of the month. very nice.
karismic: have me as number one *blush*....but i still feel like down....i really don't even know if i want to do another set. i really don't have the spirit nor the confedence. blah! life is shit......but hey at least we are in school again! thank god for that. i have art history tommorrow...meh! maybe i'll run into you..