More than ever I'm really looking forward to taking off in may.
I can't wait to have a fresh start somewhere, even if it is just for the summer.
In better news my sister is comming to visit on the 6th, I haven't seen her in about 2 years and since then she has had her first kid. It's going to be a good time. She's been living over seas for about 9 years now, I rarely get to see her. I can't wait!!!!!
here are two of my mid term sculptures for my glass blowing class
I made all the glass portions and the rest is copper aluminum and wood..

I can't wait to have a fresh start somewhere, even if it is just for the summer.
In better news my sister is comming to visit on the 6th, I haven't seen her in about 2 years and since then she has had her first kid. It's going to be a good time. She's been living over seas for about 9 years now, I rarely get to see her. I can't wait!!!!!
here are two of my mid term sculptures for my glass blowing class
I made all the glass portions and the rest is copper aluminum and wood..

stunning. bravo!
Yeah, I'm in a pretty emo mood these days. It's like PMS for boys.