wow, what a crazy couple of days!!!
on monday I got to meet most of the calgary SG people.... and well .... the pics pretty much tell the tale of the night. I had a great time.
since then I have been shooting and editing a video I have to finish for one of my classes. So far it is the most bad ass fuckin thing ever. I hope I can post it on someones video site *fingers crossed*. I really want to show it off.
Its hard to explain the premis, but all I can say is that is an "art film" ... and I may or may not be wearing leather pants compleatly covered in charcoal ....
anyways I will have to get it on this here intra web STAT.
I'm pretty much done all the editing, I just need to run some things through afteraffects.... but alas I am finishing my second bottle of wine for the night and I fear that I may be a little "inspired" by the home brew. It is about 345, so I'm callin it a night.
When I think back on monday, all I can do is shake my head and grin.... what an interesting way to meet people
side note: I ate dennys at noon (when I got up) and the I played basketball at the university.... and fuckin dominated.
have a good night... time to finish my wine
on monday I got to meet most of the calgary SG people.... and well .... the pics pretty much tell the tale of the night. I had a great time.

since then I have been shooting and editing a video I have to finish for one of my classes. So far it is the most bad ass fuckin thing ever. I hope I can post it on someones video site *fingers crossed*. I really want to show it off.

Its hard to explain the premis, but all I can say is that is an "art film" ... and I may or may not be wearing leather pants compleatly covered in charcoal ....

I'm pretty much done all the editing, I just need to run some things through afteraffects.... but alas I am finishing my second bottle of wine for the night and I fear that I may be a little "inspired" by the home brew. It is about 345, so I'm callin it a night.
When I think back on monday, all I can do is shake my head and grin.... what an interesting way to meet people

side note: I ate dennys at noon (when I got up) and the I played basketball at the university.... and fuckin dominated.
have a good night... time to finish my wine

I haven't met any SG Calgary People, what was the interesting way of meeting people? But yea dude ur video sounds dope U should compress it to a divx and send it too me.
"Art film"? Maybe I'm jaded but my brain immediately translates that to "porn".