finally done all the exams and project I had to do this week. I felt like I was going crazy, but I think I did pretty good. I just hope my terrible spelling doesn't hurt me.
I'm looking forward to the tattoo convention this weekend.
I'm finnally done all my work but I feel like I'm too tierd to get off the couch... I need a nap.
Edit: I only work 4 hours a week at my job, I'm not going to go anymore. Its not worth my time, and besides then I don't have to wait till sunday to go to the convention
I'm looking forward to the tattoo convention this weekend.
I'm finnally done all my work but I feel like I'm too tierd to get off the couch... I need a nap.
Edit: I only work 4 hours a week at my job, I'm not going to go anymore. Its not worth my time, and besides then I don't have to wait till sunday to go to the convention

how was the convention?