No, actually, I'm not dead yet. I'm sure you were quite concerned. I just stopped by to ease the worrying you were not doing. Bad things coming in the near future. I can feel it. Hopefully some good things to balance it out, but how often does that happen? Not so much, I find. Life likes to kick you the hardest when you're down. And when you're up. Also when you're parallel to the horizon, yet hovering slightly above the ground. Not so much when you're on an angle, but heaven forbid you should bend over...
What the hell was I talk about?
Bad things. Yes, they are coming. So if you don't mind, I'm going to wander of and enjoy the calm before the storm. My mantra is: Ignorance is bliss.
Maybe someday I'll convince myself.
See you later tonight, when I hope to make it on again.
PS I have discovered a thing called ginger beer, and it makes my mouth happy. Like, in the way that twizzlers used to advertise. Except that I can't use it like a straw. I could, however, drink it through a twizzler straw, but I've found that cheery coke works the best for that. Or rum. Or rum and cherry coke.
I'm going to go buy twizzlers and cherry coke now. The rum I already have covered.
What the hell was I talk about?
Bad things. Yes, they are coming. So if you don't mind, I'm going to wander of and enjoy the calm before the storm. My mantra is: Ignorance is bliss.
Maybe someday I'll convince myself.
See you later tonight, when I hope to make it on again.

PS I have discovered a thing called ginger beer, and it makes my mouth happy. Like, in the way that twizzlers used to advertise. Except that I can't use it like a straw. I could, however, drink it through a twizzler straw, but I've found that cheery coke works the best for that. Or rum. Or rum and cherry coke.
I'm going to go buy twizzlers and cherry coke now. The rum I already have covered.