Uh oh! I was doing so well with the updating at first! But I missed several days! It's a slippery slope I tell you!
So, what's new me? Well... absolutely nothing. Now that we've covered that, I haven't had a lot of chances to log into this site, but every time I do, I walk away smiling. Some of the people on here are hilarious! I never realized that the community was so huge, or I would have joined well before I did.
I've been having some very good days recently, though. Well, not really good days, but I've received a lot of good news. The good news pretty much ensures that there are good days ahead. So you can expect some more happy, cheerful entries from me for the time being. And I apologize in advance for all the not so happy, very un-cheerful ones that will eventually come.
So, what's new me? Well... absolutely nothing. Now that we've covered that, I haven't had a lot of chances to log into this site, but every time I do, I walk away smiling. Some of the people on here are hilarious! I never realized that the community was so huge, or I would have joined well before I did.
I've been having some very good days recently, though. Well, not really good days, but I've received a lot of good news. The good news pretty much ensures that there are good days ahead. So you can expect some more happy, cheerful entries from me for the time being. And I apologize in advance for all the not so happy, very un-cheerful ones that will eventually come.
Perhaps the buyer of the vanilla latte took the lid off to let it cool or share a sip with someone who had coodies and then tripped. And then perhaps some of the latte sloshed out onto the ground a became the vanilla latte tree. We can only hope. I know that I, personally, will hang on to that thread of potential latteness forever. I may even pluck one of my eyelashes and wish on it for the tree's inception.
I totally believe you are a squirrel. I mean, look at those nuts.
Oh, the Snape.
[Edited on May 25, 2005 11:38PM]