I work in a kitchen rght now, and the guy next to me got fired in the middle of our massive sunday night rush. It was insane, the manager ran off to yell at this guy and left me and one other guy on the line to fend for ourselves. Basically we didi the job of three people all night, what fun.
More Blogs
Monday Jun 02, 2003
I work in a kitchen rght now, and the guy next to me got fired in the… -
Sunday Jun 01, 2003
blah, blah, blah, that's right...... not much to say tonight. I ha… -
Thursday May 29, 2003
man, I'm so tired today. I feel all cracked out and stupid. I think t… -
Wednesday May 28, 2003
Only three weeks left of school. It's crunch time. I have so much to … -
Monday May 26, 2003
been really busy today with trying to finish up a website i've been w… -
Monday May 26, 2003
high on the hill was a lonely goat yah! yodalola lady-o hooooo -
Sunday May 25, 2003
i get none -
Sunday May 25, 2003
Yes, if you;re wondering, I am sticking out my tounge in my profile p… -
Saturday May 24, 2003
If you're sexy and you know it clap your hands...clap...clap -
Saturday May 24, 2003
woke up early for me todya, ran to the bank and took care of some bus…